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+212 6 74161616
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Frequently Asked Questions

Our trainings

We offer training in digital marketing, graphic design, accounting, wordpress, dropshiping, PNL and photography.

The price differs according to each training. You will find all the details on our training courses as well as the price by visiting this page.

We are present in 4 cities in Morocco, namely: Casablanca, Marrakech, Rabat and Tangier. You can contact us for more details.

Digital Marketing

Today, creating a website is within everyone’s reach. By following our training, you can learn how to create a wordpress website in 2 easy ways. You can also read our blog post.

Natural referencing, also called SEO, is a set of practices aimed at guaranteeing you more visibility on search engines and more traffic to your website. Discover the criteria to respect and how to optimize your website by reading our blog.

Social networks represent a very important acquisition lever for any company seeking to improve its image and increase its sales. The goal of community management is to create and federate a community of Internet users around a common interest…Find out more

About is a training center specializing in digital marketing. Our goal is to support people wishing to follow an introductory training in marketing or who wish to upgrade their skills.

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Frequently Searched

digital marketing training Casablanca.

digital marketing training Marrakesh.

Digital Marketing training Rabat.

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Dropshipping TRAINING Casablanca.


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TRAINING Dropshipping Marrakech.

infographic training Casablanca

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TRAINING Dropshipping Rabat.